This is my gentle reminder to you.
Ask yourself first.
You know what is best for you.
Many of my clients look to others for advice or suggestions when they are considering doing something new & different.
Something big & bold.
Like starting a new relationship.
Making a large purchase.
Pursuing a new career opportunity.
“What do you think I should do?”, they ask their buddies.
They ask me, “What would you do?”.
I ask them, “What would YOU do? What does your Wise Inner Self have to say about this?”
Look within for your answers to your big questions.
Ask your Inner Guidance System.
Go within for the big answers.
Ask your Wise Inner Self.
Just yesterday I made the choice to spend a big sum of money (for me) to work with a group of coaches to grow and expand our businesses together.
I checked in with my Wise Inner Self.
I scheduled some quiet alone time to go within to listen to myself.
What am I thinking?
How am I feeling?
What do I want to be thinking and feeling?
Breathe deep.
Look within.
What guidance does my Wise Inner Self have for me?
The more we practice this process the better we get at it.
Your Wise Inner Self will actually offer up answers – yes or no – and even the speed to with which to respond.
“Yes, and go slow” or “No – wait – not yet” – or “Hell, yes! Full steam ahead!”
Sometimes the action you need to take is to wait.
Waiting is an action.
Listen with your body.
Are you feeling tight and hunched over?
Or lighter and more expansive?
Your Wise Inner Self will help you imagine your future self as the yes or the no.
Who will your future self be with the yes?
Will she be lit up and challenged?
Will she have evolved and grown into this new possibility?
Who will your future self be with the no?
Same old, same old, no growth, playing it safe, not evolving to the best version of yourself that you could be?
Or will she have withered? Grown stagnant and constrained with the no?
Does your Wise Inner Self tell you that a no is in your best interest?
That something even better is coming your way?
Test it out.
Spend time with your own magic 8 ball – your own unique inner wisdom.
Give her some Q’s.
Listen to what bubbles up in response.
The more we practice this process the less time it takes for us to hear a clear response.
Looking to others for answers or approval?
Go inside first.
Ask your Wise Inner Self for her guidance.
Then follow it.
Ask yourself first.
Today is the day.
Go out and practice.
You know what is best for you.
Ask yourself first.
Want to practice in a safe group with other women? We start in June. Details can be found here.
Learn more about how coaching with me can get you unstuck and back in forward motion. Sign up here for a free 60 minute coaching consult call.
“You and I possess within ourselves at every moment of our lives, under all circumstances, the power to transform the quality of our lives.”
– Werner Erhard
What can you do next?
P.S. Forward this email to a friend who may need a gentle reminder. Ask them to join my email list right here.
P.P.S. Sign up here for a free 60 minute coaching consult call. Learn more about how coaching with me can get you unstuck and back in forward motion.
P.P.P.S. Missed my webinar “Untangle Your Thoughts – Take the Leap to Peace & Freedom”? Watch the replay right here.
Most important. Take care of you.
5 Easy Suggestions For You:
1. Get enough sleep. Establish a bedtime routine and follow it.
2. Get outside every day. Rain or shine. Take a walk.
3. Appreciate what is wonderful in the world. Write 3 things you are grateful for every day.
4. Get a buddy. Call them every day. Ask how they are and what they are up to. Ask them if they need anything.
5. Give yourself a pleasure treat. Pick yourself some flowers. Take a nap. Read a novel. Do anything you want – just for the fun of it.
With all my love.
From my heart to yours.
Want to read more on this topic? See Trust Your Wise Inner Self, Do What Lights You Up, Find Your Inner Wise Person’s Message