Frustrations, Triggers & Grievances, Oh My!
The wives I speak with are full of frustrations, triggers and grievances. Husbands, too. Marriage is not an easy two-step dance of fall in love

What’s FUN Got to Do With It?
This past week, two different married couples I work with, brought up “the good old days” with nostalgia. They both had this longing in their

Rest, Relax and Renew
I just returned home from a month in the Caribbean. I had two intentions for this time away from my usual routine: To rest deeply.

Complete & Celebrate 2021
This week starts the transition between Christmas and the New Year. It’s a time to slow down and take stock of where you’ve been and

Winter Solstice Pleasure
Winter Solstice Pleasure is the solution you are looking for. December 21st is the day in the northern hemisphere that boasts the fewest hours of

The Gift of Time
If you are anything like me, your accumulated “stuff” is squeezing the life right out of you. The last thing you want for the holidays

Do You Have Money Strife in Your Marriage?
Do you have money strife in your marriage? You aren’t alone. It’s the number one issue couples fight about, according to financial expert Dave Ramsey.

You Are Not Alone
Hello My Sweet Peeps! This is my gentle reminder to you. You are not alone. It may feel that way sometimes. And that’s OK. You

Be Seen and Heard
Hello My Sweet Peeps! This is my gentle reminder to you. Show up in your marriage. Be seen and heard. Are you experiencing any of

Frustrations, Triggers & Grievances, Oh My!
The wives I speak with are full of frustrations, triggers and grievances. Husbands, too. Marriage is not an easy two-step dance of fall in love

What’s FUN Got to Do With It?
This past week, two different married couples I work with, brought up “the good old days” with nostalgia. They both had this longing in their

Rest, Relax and Renew
I just returned home from a month in the Caribbean. I had two intentions for this time away from my usual routine: To rest deeply.

Complete & Celebrate 2021
This week starts the transition between Christmas and the New Year. It’s a time to slow down and take stock of where you’ve been and

Winter Solstice Pleasure
Winter Solstice Pleasure is the solution you are looking for. December 21st is the day in the northern hemisphere that boasts the fewest hours of

The Gift of Time
If you are anything like me, your accumulated “stuff” is squeezing the life right out of you. The last thing you want for the holidays

Do You Have Money Strife in Your Marriage?
Do you have money strife in your marriage? You aren’t alone. It’s the number one issue couples fight about, according to financial expert Dave Ramsey.

You Are Not Alone
Hello My Sweet Peeps! This is my gentle reminder to you. You are not alone. It may feel that way sometimes. And that’s OK. You

Be Seen and Heard
Hello My Sweet Peeps! This is my gentle reminder to you. Show up in your marriage. Be seen and heard. Are you experiencing any of

Are You Receiving or Resisting?
Are You Receiving or Resisting? This is my gentle reminder to you. Increase your capacity to receive. Say, “Thank You”. How we do one thing