Winter Solstice Pleasure
Winter Solstice Pleasure is the solution you are looking for. December 21st is the day in the northern hemisphere that boasts the fewest hours of sunlight of the entire year. It’s also the longest night. And the first day of winter. All this AND it arrives while the cra-cra busyness of the holiday season is […]
Stop Overeating
This is my not so gentle reminder to you. Smack! Sometimes we need a direct hit on the head. Stop Overeating. It’s time to stop numbing yourself with “over-ing”. You are ready to stop over-eating, over-drinking, over-working, over-Netflixing, over-scrolling.. You are ready to stop any and all of the “over-ings” “Over-ings”, are like a game […]
Living With Fear – The Key to Grow & Evolve
This is my gentle reminder to you. Be big and bold WITH your fear. Push yourself to grow and evolve. Last week I had a client say that she wanted to be fearless. That was one of the goals she had for our 6-week coaching program together. Becoming fearless. That wasn’t going to happen. And […]
Living in the Time of Not Knowing
This is my gentle reminder to you. We are living in the time of “not knowing”. And that’s OK. There’s a lot that’s uncertain during this stage of stay-at-home. Living in the time of “not knowing”. Many of us are experiencing a wide range of emotions within one day. What a ride. I am getting […]
Managing Your Mind Through the PAUSE
This is my gentle reminder to you. Use this PAUSE season with intention. Take on managing your mind as a new habit. PAUSE. Become aware of your inner landscape. What’s going on in that mind of yours? Hold yourself in a cocoon of gentle compassion no matter what shows up. Panic, self-loathing, jealousy, grief. You […]
Stand Powerfully in the Unknown
This is my gentle reminder to you. Stand powerfully in the unknown. We are swimming in something entirely new and different. We don’t know what the future will look like right now. And that’s OK. It is what is. That is the truth. We don’t know in what ways and for how long we will […]
Take Care of You
This is my gentle reminder to you. Take care of you. Additional demands require additional care. Of. You. T’is the season for more Doing. Spending. Making Lists. Sending Emails. Responding to Texts. Sending & Receiving Invitations. Making Requests. Following Through on Commitments. More, more, more. Oodles of decisions to make. Too many promises to keep. […]