This is my gentle reminder to you.
Get yourself in connection.
Reach out to a friend or family member.
In this time of social distancing it is more critical than ever before.
We humans need connection.
It may appear that all our needs are met with Netflix, Facebook, and Instagram.
All our groceries can be delivered to our door with Amazon and Instacart.
No human contact required.
Scientific studies show that longevity is increased and anxiety and depression are significantly reduced with positive social contact.
So how do we maintain our social connections with people in the time of COVID-19?
My answer?
Be the one.
Reach out. Initiate.
Call your friends and family.
This is the time to connect with friends and family on the phone.
Use FaceTime or Zoom or Skype.
Email, text and snail mail.
Like their lives depended on it.
Check in with your neighbors, old friends, colleagues.
Who are the people you are thinking about?
Wondering about?
Note that I said – thinking about and wondering about – NOT worrying about.
Stop that worry thought in its tracks.
It does not serve you. Or others.
Choose not to be an island.
We each connect in different ways.
Generously sprinkle connection glitter in all the places your people are.
Make a phone call.
Send an email.
Post your message on Facebook.
Instagram it.
It all works.
I’m thinking of you.
Connect. Connect.
Schedule your daily Connect Time in your calendar.
You know me.
Put it in your calendar.
Today is the day.
Go out and practice.
Reach out to a friend or family member.
Get yourself in connection.
I am offering free coaching for anyone who needs help managing their thoughts and feelings in response to COVID-19 through the rest of this month. You can schedule your free coaching session here.
Most important.
Keep taking care of yourself.
Do what works for you.
More BLOG posts about Relationships and Connections can be found here.