Creating A Future of Possibilities
Twelve years ago, I was unhappy with my job and was looking for a new career path. I needed a future possibility to pull me forward.
I was on the search for tracks, trail blazes, markers, a sign, a scent in the air – ANYTHING – to tell me that I was moving in the right direction.
I was fortunate to have had a coach at the time. He recommended that I read the book, The Passion Test by Janet and Chris Attwood.
I completed the exercises in the book and created the following 8 passion statements which I continue to refer to to this day.
I’ve been declaring, visualizing – and manifesting – them for more than a decade.
These statements guide my decision making and create my big & bold life in so many ways.
Create a future that pulls you forward.
Chart Your Course
Take a peek at what pulls my life forward.
I am so happy and thankful that I’m now living my passions and drawing the following into my life:
1. A life of peace, love, beauty and joy. A peaceful, balanced, healthy, optimistic, fun, abundant, energetic, enthusiastic lifestyle and attitude. Slathering love & joy everywhere I am.
2. TEAMS of supportive people dedicated to transformation, peace, love, joy, health and longevity.
3. An abundance of financial wealth & health to allow peace & freedom for myself and as many others as possible.
4. The freedom, time and wealth to live my dreams to create, to learn, to play, to contribute & make a difference for the rest of my life & beyond.
5. To be physically active in beautiful places for the rest of my life.
6. A happy, loving marriage grounded in physical touch and acts of service.
7. A home of beauty that nourishes my soul.
8. To show up for my 100th birthday celebration pain free, able bodied & intelligent – surrounded by loving & healthy friends.
As part of my morning ritual I read these affirmations aloud every morning and visualize what this – or something even better – might look and feel like.
Enjoy the Journey
I am a work in progress.
As I said, I’ve been reading, imagining and living these passion statements into existence for over a decade.
AND my life has grown so much bigger and bolder in that time frame!
This stuff works!
There’s more to come.
I will always be growing and expanding.
It’s who I am.
I grow in leaps and bounds.
And then I am halted as I SMACK face first, hard against my FEAR.
I scare the shit out of myself.
Create a future that pulls you forward.
Expect to Get Lost
That’s the pattern. Grow BIG. And run straight into the confines of my FEAR.
My FEAR never fails to stop me in my tracks. It often knocks me flat out.
Then I get myself back up on my feet, a bit wobbly at first and grow my way out of it.
This happens over & over & over.
I grow & expand.
I take bigger & bolder actions.
I live my dreams.
Embrace the Challenge
And then I have new fears.
Once again, I feel the confines of my fear box.
My fear. My box.
Create a future that pulls you forward.
Be gentle with yourself
I return again to awareness.
I greet her with love and compassion.
“There you are, my old friend.”
I accept her.
“You’re afraid.”
I hold and console her.
“Oh, Baby.”
I allow her to be.
I hold her tight. “I’ve got you.”
I rock her. “It’s OK.”
I might dance. Or cry. (Preferably both.)
Or call a friend who can give my fear the listening space to it deserves.
Create a future that pulls you forward
And then we are ready to create again. We are ready to be brave. To courageously step into our bigger, bolder lives.
To step into our desires. To step into and own our destiny.
Find and follow your path.
Do it for the Team
A big & bold life for you is a big & bold life for me.
A big & bold life for me is a big & bold life for you.
Your wins are my wins. My wins are your wins.
If you can do it, I can too. If I can do it, you can too.
Create a future that pulls you forward.
Feel your way to your path. Follow the clues, the tracks, the scents.
To the life that lights you up.
Create a future that pulls you forward.
Enjoy the journey!
If you want company or someone to hold a light or share a map for your journey to pull you forward to your big & bold destiny, email me at and let’s have a conversation.
Ready to start your journey right here, right now? Schedule a free consult call with me today.
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