Married Sister Goddess Circle

A group for married Sister Goddesses who want to connect with other Goddesses and make their marriages come alive again.                           Registration opens February 12, 2024 for our Winter Circle.

Holiday Love

The holidays can be a stressful time in your marriage.

There’s a lot that needs to be done.

The cooking, the cleaning, the cards, the gifts.

I often forget why I am doing all of this in the first place.

The spirit of the season can fall right out the window.

That’s when I use a variation of my Triple A Approach to get myself back on track.

Awareness. I become aware of my feelings.

I am in a funk. Resentful. Obligated. Sometimes pissed off that it’s all on my shoulders.

I know some of you completely recognize this thought.

We will get together with our friends, complain together – and agree that this thought is true.


I am having this thought and these feelings.

This thought and these feelings are NOT serving me.

We are ready for the next A.

Acceptance. I accept that I am having these feelings.

I am feeling cranky, nasty, resentful and not loving at all.

Follow Acceptance with another A –

Allowance. I allow my feelings to flow through me.

Note that we are not beating ourselves up, finding fault with ourselves, or blaming ourselves.

No need to add a layer of distraction.

Allow your feelings to be whatever they are.

We can do this by breathing and grounding. That might be enough.

Or it may require a little twist & shout to release these feelings and move them on & out.

Punching the air, stomping your feet, swinging a pillow overhead and smacking the ground with it. The purpose is to get that energy unstuck and flowing through your body.

Dancing is always fun and great to move all this holiday angst through our bodies.

Follow this with a fun song to shake it all out.

A good 5 to 15 minutes is all it takes to clear your energy.

Now what do you want to think?

Stand in your Magic Hula Hoop and create a powerful thought from your disparaging thought.

Become an alchemist. Transform your angst into love.


What else could I think about the holidays and all there is to do?

How can I bring love into the holiday season?

I want to feel loving. I want to create love & care through my gifts and my cleaning and my cooking.

My new thought is – The holidays are an opportunity for me to show love for the people in my life.

This thought serves me far better than what I was thinking & feeling before.

I invite you to try my Triple A process when you find yourself in a holiday funk.


Acceptance & Allowance.

Dance it out!

Actualize. Be the magician that you are and upgrade your thoughts and feelings.

If you would like to be coached in using my Triple A Approach to move your thoughts from stressing to loving, click here to schedule a free 30 minute session.

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gail tremblay

Gail Tremblay

I help men & women who feel lonely & discouraged in their marriages feel connected with their spouses again.

Schedule a Free Discovery Call with me today.