Married Sister Goddess Circle

A group for married Sister Goddesses who want to connect with other Goddesses and make their marriages come alive again.                           Registration opens February 12, 2024 for our Winter Circle.

Let Your Body Heal Your Soul: Part 1

Sometimes we can’t kickstart our minds to upgrade our thoughts. It happens.

Often, we need to use our bodies to get our minds out of the rut they are in.  I have climbed my way out of my current version of the “I’m not good enough” well-worn rut, by handing off the reins to my body. I LOVE to dance.

Try this routine next time you find yourself in a funk or an upset.

Turn up the music and let your body take over. You can dance your way up and out to remember what a Goddess you truly are.

You can find my current “Up & Out” playlist listed below. I would LOVE to listen to the songs that inspire you to dance into your wonderfulness. Please hit the REPLY button with the songs that work for you! I will add them to the list.

Next week read Let Your Body Heal Your Soul Part 2. Learn how to use your body and music to lead your mind up and out through crawling, writhing and howling into your anger, disappointment, and grief. Stay tuned.

Listen NOW to Gail’s Up & Out playlist.

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gail tremblay

Gail Tremblay

I help men & women who feel lonely & discouraged in their marriages feel connected with their spouses again.

Schedule a Free Discovery Call with me today.