Married Sister Goddess Circle

A group for married Sister Goddesses who want to connect with other Goddesses and make their marriages come alive again.                           Registration opens February 12, 2024 for our Winter Circle.

Listen Up! The Universe Is Speaking To You

This is my gentle reminder to you.
Listen up. The Universe is speaking to you.

Do your job.
Listen for, and follow, the directions the Universe has left for you.

For me, it started with a conversation about my marriage with a trusted friend.

I told my friend that sex with my husband had become difficult.
Painful in fact.

I couldn’t stop thinking and relax into my body.

My thoughts would spin, reviewing interactions from my workday and spewing lists of things I felt compelled to complete before I could relax for the evening.
The work day was over but my mind was still working over-time.

This left little space for fun and play with my husband.
Whom I loved and wanted to play with.
I was stuck in think mode.

Fun and play were not happening.
And my body – specifically my pelvic area – was disappearing.

That’s what started me on my journey to explore the realm of Pleasure.

Pleasure with a capital P.
And reclaiming my P. completely changed my connection with my husband and the level of love we share with each other.

Listen Up! The Universe is speaking to you.

All the time.
You just have to listen.

When I hear the title of a book,
or the name of a person,
or a specific word more than twice within a week, my ears perk up.

I follow the scent.

Listen Up! The Universe is speaking to you.

My friend mentioned a name.
Regina Thomashauer, aka Mama Gena.
My friend mentioned a book.
Pussy, A Reclamation.

It wasn’t the first time this name had been mentioned to me.
Mama Gena and the School of Womanly Arts.
How to live a pleasure led life.

The Universe did her job.

She left me a breadcrumb, she left me a clue.
A name.
The title of a book.

Follow where the Universe is pointing.
See where the tracks lead.

And so, I followed the message.

I enrolled in Mama Gena’s School for Womanly Arts to explore pleasure practices.

Holy Moly.
I saw expressions of sensuality and sexuality I didn’t even know existed.
A whole new world opened up for me.

Some practices were easy peasy for me.
Others were expansive and overwhelming.

I’m still on the journey pursuing Pleasure.

The School of Womanly Arts brought fun, play and spice to my life.
In my attitude and my mindset.
With pleasure practices and dance moves.

For me.

I brought my fun, playful and spicy self to my marriage.
I became a Pleasure Revolutionary.
Our marriage became fun, playful, connected and loving.

Listen Up! The Universe is speaking to you.

Do your job.
Listen for, and follow, the directions the Universe has left for you.

The Universe is speaking to you.

If your marriage is in a long lull and you want to spice things up, contact me to discover how you, too, can have fun, play, and deep connection with your spouse.

Schedule your complimentary 60 minute Discovery Call today.

I help high achieving women in long term relationships rekindle the connection, passion and intimacy in their marriages.

Click here to sign up for a Discovery Call and learn how coaching with me can make the difference you long for with your spouse.

If this email resonates with you, please forward this on to a friend who might benefit from it too.

Mama Gena is offering a free Morning Pleasure Ritual Challenge. It begins on Monday, February 22nd. . Register today here. I’ll be there – looking for you.

Whenever you are ready, here are three things that you can do this week: 
1. Click here to learn more about me and my offerings on my website.
2. Private message me here with any questions about my 6 month & 12 month coaching programs.
3. Sign up here for a free 60 minute Discovery Call. Find out how coaching with me can get you on board with the pleasure-led life. 

Most important. Take care of you.

Here are 5 easy suggestions:
1. Get enough sleep. Establish a bedtime routine and follow it. 

2. Get outside in nature every day. Rain or shine. 
3. Appreciate what is wonderful in the world. Write 3-5 things you are grateful for each day.
4. Reach out to a sister. Call her once a week – or every day. Ask how she is and what she is feeling. Give her the space to release her feelings without any judgment or fixing.
5. Treat yourself to pleasure. Dance. Take a nap. Sing out loud. Read a novel. Soak in the tub. Do anything you want – just for the pleasure of it. 

With all my love.
From my heart to yours.


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gail tremblay

Gail Tremblay

I help men & women who feel lonely & discouraged in their marriages feel connected with their spouses again.

Schedule a Free Discovery Call with me today.