Married Sister Goddess Circle

A group for married Sister Goddesses who want to connect with other Goddesses and make their marriages come alive again.                           Registration opens February 12, 2024 for our Winter Circle.

You Are Enough

This is my gentle reminder to you.
You are enough.

You are lovable exactly as you are and exactly as you aren’t.

Thank you for showing up with each and every one of your unique characteristics.
The good, the bad and the ugly.

You are the result of one egg and one sperm somehow finding one another and uniting.

And that in itself is a miracle.
BAM! Your unique self came into existence!

You got it?
You are an F’n miracle!

What if you started your day with knowing that you are lovable just exactly as you are?
It’s true.

You are lovable just as you are.
Without doing a dang thing.

Just being.

Take that in.

“I am loveable.”

No one outside of you has to grant you that powerful deliciousness of being loveable.
You just are. 

Remember, you are a miracle.
A F’n lovable miracle.

And you don’t have to do anything to prove it to anyone.

You start out born as 100% worthy.
That’s a given.

Need a reminder of this fact?
Just look at a baby.

That baby doesn’t do anything.
She just is.

Begin your day, initiate a conversation, create a project or take a hike or whatever you are up to with remembering,
“I am a miracle.”
(A F’n miracle to tell the whole truth.)
“I am loveable.”

Place your hand on your heart.
And remind yourself.

“I am loveable.”
“I am worthy.”

Just because.

Today is the day.
Go out and practice.
You are lovable exactly as you are and exactly as you aren’t.

You are enough.

P.S. When you are ready, here are 3 things you can do for your lovable self.

1) Share this post with a friend who might benefit from this gentle reminder.
2) Learn how you can work with me. Click here to read more. 
3) Let’s talk. Click here to access my calendar and schedule a conversation. 

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gail tremblay

Gail Tremblay

I help men & women who feel lonely & discouraged in their marriages feel connected with their spouses again.

Schedule a Free Discovery Call with me today.