This is my gentle reminder to you.
Dare to dream.
Believe with all your being that your desires are possible.
Many of us don’t have big dreams or desires beyond the basic To Do list of things to accomplish for that day.
We’re afraid to dream.
Maybe we will fail to meet our goals.
Maybe we won’t get what we want.
Better to not want at all.
Nothing can be farther from the truth.
Want nothing, get nothing.
Want something amazing, get something amazing.
Those dreams take root.
Day by day they grow.
Bit by bit.
Until one day your dream has become your new reality.
So much so that your dream has become your new normal.
What was once an amazing pie-in-the-sky-dream-come-true is now your everyday base line normal.
The kitchen is remodeled.
The perennial garden is lush and in bloom.
A 25th wedding anniversary is celebrated.
A new home is purchased.
An old friendship rekindled.
Beyond your wildest dreams.
That is the life you deserve.
Fifteen years ago, we took a vacation to a warm destination off the beaten path at the suggestion of our nephew.
A desire was born.
A seed planted.
I had the dream of spending the winters in the Caribbean with my husband. Just for the fun of it.
Just because.
Just because the winters in upstate NY are so cold and so gray for so long.
And the skies are so blue and the ocean breezes are so warm in the Caribbean.
Because I had a desire.
It all started with a thought.
A desire declared and sent off into the winds of the Universe.
It took a little bit of doing.
But not too much.
The Universe wants to bring joy and happiness.
We just forget to ask.
We think we don’t deserve it.
Or best not to dream at all to avoid disappointment when our desires are not met.
Practice setting your desires free to fly on the wings of Grace and Ease.
First imagine your desires in your mind where anything is possible and doesn’t cost a dime or require any effort.
Start there.
Just a wish.
A desire.
Anything at all.
I desire to live on a houseboat for a year.
I desire to have a landscape person tend my gardens all spring and summer.
I desire to spend a luxurious week in Italy with my close women friends.
I desire to have a home that nourishes my soul.
I desire to renew my relationship with my body.
Write it down.
Say it out loud.
Then let it go.
Have lots of desires.
Set them all free.
Practice receiving all that you are being given right now.
Build your capacity to receive even more goodness.
And then – go for it – even more.
Practice receiving generously AND giving generously.
Become part of the flow of giving and receiving.
Give your time, your skills and your wealth with generosity.
Receive from others with generosity.
That’s when the magic happens.
Today is the day.
Go out and practice.
Believe with all your being that your desires are possible.
Dare to dream.
Love & hugs,
Share this post with a friend who might benefit from a gentle reminder.
P.S. When you are ready, here are 3 things you can do to help send your dreams off into the Universe.
1) Check out if having your own coach might just be one of your desires. Click here to read more.
2) Find out more about me and my story right here.
3) Let’s do it. Let’s talk about your dreams and desires. Click here to book a free consult call in my calendar.