Winter Solstice Pleasure

Winter Solstice Pleasure is the solution you are looking for. December 21st is the day in the northern hemisphere that boasts the fewest hours of sunlight of the entire year. It’s also the longest night. And the first day of winter. All this AND it arrives while the cra-cra busyness of the holiday season is […]
The Gift of Time

If you are anything like me, your accumulated “stuff” is squeezing the life right out of you. The last thing you want for the holidays is more “stuff”. I’m not talking about emotional baggage, noise or clutter. (That’s for another blog post.) But truthfully, you don’t want this in your life either. I’m talking about […]
You Are Not Alone

Hello My Sweet Peeps! This is my gentle reminder to you. You are not alone. It may feel that way sometimes. And that’s OK. You don’t have to do any of it alone any longer. It may feel like you’re “on your own”. But I’m telling you the truth. You are not alone. Look back […]
Are You Receiving or Resisting?

Are You Receiving or Resisting? This is my gentle reminder to you. Increase your capacity to receive. Say, “Thank You”. How we do one thing is how we do everything. If you want more love and connection with your spouse, increasing your capacity to receive in ANY area of your life will have an impact […]
International Nourish Yourself Week

Hello My Sweet Peeps! This is my gentle reminder to you. I’ve got you. The world is wobbly right now. You might feel a little raw and vulnerable these days. I sure do. For many, our nervous systems are running ragged and we feel exhausted. In the northern hemisphere, we are preparing for the return […]
The Sacred Art of Receiving

The Sacred Art of Receiving This is my gentle reminder to you. The Universe implores you to receive all its gifts. Receiving is an act of generosity. Many of us perceive receiving as a selfish act of taking. Consider receiving as a spiritual offering of grace. The Sacred Art of Receiving is when you fully […]
Celebrating Lessons Learned

Celebrating Lessons Learned This is my gentle reminder to you. The best is yet to come. Your marriage is an opportunity for you to evolve and grow. Tomorrow is my husband’s and my 24th wedding anniversary. That’s a big deal. Marriage is not easy. It takes a lot more than finding the right partner. There’s growing […]
Life Happens. Roll With It.

Life happens. Roll with it. This is my gentle reminder to you. Life happens. Roll with it. Things don’t always go as planned. Ride the waves of life’s ups and downs and surprises as best you can. Be gentle with yourself. Put your attention on who you want to be & how you want to […]
This Challenge Is For You

This Challenge Is For You The challenges in your marriage are for you. Lean in and learn all you can. Adopt an attitude of curiosity. Observe what’s happening as it unfolds before you. Witness your participation. What thoughts are you having? Write them down. What expression is on your face? What posture is your body […]
Stay or Leave?

This is my gentle reminder to you. Stay or leave. It’s your choice. Choose. Often clients seek me out for coaching when they find themselves at this particular crossroad. Am I in or am I out? Stay or Leave? Is it too emotionally painful or draining to stay? Should I leave for something better? The […]